
Gallicagram, a new lexicography tool: big data without the big shoes?

DHAI Seminar 2020-2021
Tuesday 11 May 2021 Tuesday 11 May 2021
12:00 to 01:00 PM

With its Ngram Viewer tool, the company Google thought in 2010 to found a new science: culturomics. Eleven years later, it is clear that despite the ambitious promises of the software, its use by researchers remains rare. The grievances against Ngram Viewer are numerous: opaque, inaccessible and difficult to master corpus, poor quality of metadata, etc. Gallicagram is an open-source tool, designed to meet these essential interpretation challenges by making the most of free access to Gallica data. It allows an efficient control of the studied corpus thanks to their delimitation, upstream of the treatments carried out, as well as to their description, downstream, and proposes different complementary modes of analysis allowing to quickly test a hypothesis. The analysis of the press corpus also introduces new possibilities in political history and cultural history: it allows researchers to get closer to events while maintaining a macroscopic vision. This discussion will aim to present this tool, describe how it works and illustrate its many possible uses with several concrete examples.

Tuesday 11 May 2021

DHAI Organizing Team

Fractal - Pixabay

DHAI Seminar 2020-2021

October 9, 2020 - June 8, 2021

When Digital Humanities and Artificial intelligence Meet. 

Organization : Ségolène Albouy, Mathieu Aubry, Jean-Baptiste Camps, Matthieu Husson, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Gabriel Peyré, Thierry Poibeau and Léa Saint-Raymond