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Stories told by a character within a story are known as embedded stories. They occur frequently in narrative and they constitute an important challenge to models of narrative interpretation. Computational procedures for interpreting a story need to account for these embedded stories in terms of how to represent them and how to process them in the context of the story acting as frame for them.
The talk will explain the concept of embedded stories over some real examples of narrative, describe the challenges that their computational treatment poses, and describe a simplified computational model for the task. The proposed model is capable of representing discourses for embedded stories and interpret them onto a representation that captures their recursive structure. Some examples of application of the model to examples of stories from different domains will be presented, and some preliminary conclusions will be outlined on what embedding implies in terms of computational interpretation of narrative, and the challenges it poses for the ever-growing research efforts for the automated processing of narrative.
Conference by Pablo Gervas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)