
Reflections on the decolonization processes and data sovereignty based on the digital and AI strategies of indigenous peoples in Canada

DHAI Seminar 2020-2021
Friday 9 October 2020 Friday 9 October 2020
12:00 to 02:00 PM


Conference by Karine Gentelet, holder of the IA & Social Justice Chair

Karine Gentelet's presentation will focus on the digital strategies developed by Indigenous Peoples to reaffirm their information sovereignty and how they contribute to the decolonization of data. The information that represents Indigenous Peoples is tainted by colonization and systemic practices of informational discrimination. Their initiatives of informational sovereignty and data decolonization allows data that is collected by and for them and therefore much more accurate, diversified and representative of their realities and needs. The principles developed by Indigenous Peoples not only testify to an asserted digital agency but also induce a paradigmatical shift due to the inclusion of ancestral knowledge and traditional modes of governance. It allows a new power balance within the digital ecosystem. (see below for the French version of this abstract)

Friday 9 October 2020

DHAI Organizing Team

Fractal - Pixabay

DHAI Seminar 2020-2021

October 9, 2020 - June 8, 2021

When Digital Humanities and Artificial intelligence Meet. 

Organization : Ségolène Albouy, Mathieu Aubry, Jean-Baptiste Camps, Matthieu Husson, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Gabriel Peyré, Thierry Poibeau and Léa Saint-Raymond