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Arts, History, Computer Science

Research as weaving

Lea SAINT-RAYMOND (Teacher-researcher/ ENS-PSL)

In the framework of the seminar "Les Liens qui font les Humanités numériques", organized by the Guichet d'Assistance aux Projets Numériques and EUR Translitterae, the presentation given by Léa Saint-Raymond, proposes a sharing of experience and a reflexive return on research conducted at the crossroads of economic and social sciences, art history and data science The video is available here.

Arts, History, Litterature, Sciences of Antiquity, Social Sciences

Ce que le numérique fait aux humanités

Journée d’étude organisée par Léa Saint-Raymond (Observatoire des humanités numériques de l’ENS-PSL), en collaboration avec Marie-Laure Massot (CAPHÉS / Initiative Digit_Hum), Agnès Tricoche (AOROC / Initiative Digit_Hum) et Émile Gayoso (Guichet d’assistance aux projets numériques, EUR Translitterae).

Arts, History

DatArt_Asia: a new project in DH

Lea SAINT-RAYMOND (Teacher-researcher/ ENS-PSL)

The Observatory of Digital Humanities of ENS-PSL and the University of Tokyo are honored to officially launch the DatArt_Asie digital project, co-directed by Léa Saint-Raymond and Torahiko Terada. An afternoon symposium is organized on February 15, 2023, from 2 to 4 pm: it will welcome students from UTokyo, accompanied by Albéric Derible.