

Sciences of Antiquity
Scientific databases, Digital corpus, Archaeology and sciences of Antiquity
, updated on
11 January 2022
Archéologie et philologie d'Orient et d'Occident (AOrOc)
3A, bureau AB323
45, rue d'Ulm 75230 Paris cedex 05
01 44 323883

Doctor in History and Archaeology of ancient worlds, my fields of specialization are databases and digital resources in archaeology.

Co-header of the Digital Humanities Pole of AOROC.

Field of research

I joined the CNRS in 2012 and worked as a database engineer for 6 years in the labex TransferS (Investissements d'avenir program ANR-10-IDEX-0001-02 PSL* and ANR-10-LABX-0099). Since 2019, I have joined the laboratory AOROC, Archéologie & Philologie d'Orient et d'Occident, which studies material and written traces from the Iron Age to Late Antiquity. In this framework, my role is to implement digital corpora. This implies representing conceptual data models, designing and developing scientific databases, building tools for data entry, consultation and analysis, and finally organizing the dissemination of data on the web, in accordance with the principles of FAIR data. As such, I am part of the process of associating humanities and digital technologies, with the aim of optimizing the potential of exploitation, analysis and publication of scientific data.

Co-responsible for the Digital Humanities pole of my laboratory since 2021, I also coordinate the Digit_Hum initiative, along with Marie-Laure Massot (CAPHÉS), aiming to promote digital humanities at the scale of the ENS and the University of Paris Sciences & Lettres.

Digital projects

  • ACoR. Atlas of Roman building techniques
  • Villa Diomedes Project. Archives of the Villa of Diomedes in Pompeii (1771-2019).
  • LettresArt. The Correspondence of Artists in Rome, 1750-1850
  • Digit_Hum Initiative. Digital humanities between knowledge and know-how
  • NAHAN. North African Heritage Archives Network
  • ArchEthno2020. Archiving and webcasting of survey data


  • H. Dessales, J. Ponce, A.-B. Pimpaud, A. Tricoche, "La villa de Diomède à Pompéi, du corpus d’archives à la modélisation 3D", in S. Zanella, J.-P. Brun, M. Denoyelle et al. (dir.), Les archives de fouilles : modes d’emploi, Paris, 2017. <hal-02291265>
  • H. Dessales, A. Tricoche, "Un database per studiare le riparazioni post-sismiche", Archeologia dell'Architettura 23, 2018, p. 19-24. <hal-02291284>
  • H. Dessales (dir. technique), The Villa of Diomedes. The making of a Roman villa in Pompeii, Paris, 2020 (3 chapters). <hal-03121738>
  • H. Dessales, J. Cavero, A. Tricoche, "The analysis of post-earthquake reconstruction. Mapping and recording repairs in ancient Pompeii", In S. D’Amico, V. Venuti, Springer Handbook of Cultural heritage analysis, 2021 (to be published).
  • J. Cavero, H. Dessales, A. Tricoche, "Lo studio delle riparazioni post-sismiche: metodologia", in H. Dessales (éd.), Ricostruire dopo un terremoto. Riparazioni antiche a Pompei, 2021 (to be published).
  • H. Dessales, J. Cavero, A. Tricoche, "The archaeology of post-earthquake repairs. New insights into building processes in Roman Pompeii", in L. Pecchioli (éd.), Historical Earthquakes: dialogue between archaeology, geology, archaeoseismology and construction technology research, 2021 (to be published).
  • S. Camporeale, H. Dessales, A. Tricoche (éd.), Atlante delle tecniche della costruzione romana. Manuale, Rome, work in progress.