The Observatory of Digital Humanities of ENS-PSL and the University of Tokyo are honored to officially launch the DatArt_Asie digital project, co-directed by Léa Saint-Raymond and Torahiko Terada. An afternoon symposium is organized on February 15, 2023, from 2 to 4 pm: it will welcome students from UTokyo, accompanied by Albéric Derible.
In the continuity of GeoMAP, DatArt_Asie studies the market for Asian objects in Paris since the middle of the 19th century. Indeed, the forced economic opening of China and Japan in 1860 led to a boom in trade with the West and, from the 1870s, to the vogue for "Japonism". While this phenomenon is largely documented by studies, essentially monographic or devoted to a short period, it is necessary to analyze, over a long period of time, the evolution of these commercial relations with Asia based on homogeneous and diachronic data.
The DatArt_Asie project is based on a twofold corpus:
DatArt_Asie data is displayed on a digital library and an interactive map. Each point corresponds to a single dealer, an address and a given date. The description of the activity in the Bottin du commerce is displayed in a pop-up window.
It is possible to filter the dealers according to their heading ("chinoiseries" and/or "japoneries"). Their counters in Asia are also displayed, when the Bottin du commerce mentions them. When a company has, for the same period, several stores or counters, these different addresses are linked together by a line on the map. Finally, addresses located on the street are distinguished from those located in the city.
Programming and web design : Quentin Bernet.
The symposium will take place from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the Conference Room of the Data Science Center (45 rue d'Ulm, between staircase B and staircase C, 3rd floor at the top of the stairs).
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