45 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris
Fifth session of the introduction to digital humanities course (Semester 2), led by Thierry Poibeau
The second level of the introductory course in digital humanities, this course - which does not require validation of level 1 - introduces students to digital tools and computational data analysis. No prior knowledge is required. These courses aim to provide a solid foundation in programming and corpus visualization. They encourage the appropriation of languages and techniques and allow, in fine, to be autonomous when it comes to producing and processing data digitally.
The courses take place at 45 rue d'Ulm, in the conference room of the Data Science Center (staircase B, 3rd floor).
Course director: Léa Saint-Raymond
Valid within the framework of the DENS: 6 ECTS (possibility to follow one or several sessions as an auditor, on request). Registration: please write to lea.saint-raymond@ens.psl.eu
Validation: attendance and technical achievement using one of the tools discussed during the semester (creation of records in Dublin Core, transcription and encoding of a manuscript, creation of an interactive map, etc.).
Office : Observatoire des Humanités numériques de l'ENS-PSL : office BC211, by appointment (lea.saint-raymond@ens.psl.eu)