Fil d'Ariane
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- Numérique et audiovisuel
45 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris
Séance du séminaire DHAI, avec deux chercheurs du département recherche de l’INA (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel).
GEM project aims to describe representation and treatment differences existing between women and men in the French-language media such as TV and radio. Automatic and semi-automatic multimodal methods are proposed to extract information from large collections of documents : speech-time, facial exposition time, OCR and automatic transcription analysis.
In this presentation, we will present the methods designed for the project, together with the results obtained on large amount of data.
OTMedia is a software platform dedicated to research projects that can analyze vast quantities of diverse, multimodal, transmedia data (television, radio, Web, press agencies, Twitter feeds) linked to French and French-language news. The main purpose is to achieve quantitative transdisciplinary research between Human and Social Science and Computer Science. We will present the methodology and results of three different works : Social Media and Newsroom Production Decisions, Covid19 media coverage during the first 6 months, videos of police violence : link between Twitter and television.
Zoom : https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/92947527831?pwd=OU81QkFPbm5nUEl3Y05Tek5uajI1dz09
Meeting ID: 929 4752 7831
Passcode: 3b90wq