The last intensive week of courses in digital humanities ("DHAI - PSL Week") was held from November 21 to 25, 2022. Discover two projects, supervised by Armin Pournaki and Léa Saint-Raymond, and carried out in five days with the students registered in their courses.
The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (most often referred to as “COP27”) took place from 6–20 November 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh. As part of the 2022 DHAI intensive week, Armin Pournaki and the students enrolled in his project collected all French tweets containing #COP27 to get an overview of the debate around the climate summit in the Francophone world.
The report of this work is available here.
In the continuity of the Digital Viau digital library, developed at ENS-PSL as part of the Introduction to Digital Humanities course, PSL Week students analyzed the collection of George Viau (1855-1939), composed of more than 600 major works of impressionism and post-impressionism, under the direction of Léa Saint-Raymond.
This collective work let to a pre-print.
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