Research projects

, updated on
23 February 2023
Robynne Hu - Unsplash

Discover the research projects in digital humanities at the ENS-PSL.  



  • ECHO, hearing the French theater of the 20th century
  • GeoMAP, a historical mapping of the Parisian art market
  • LettresArt, the correspondence of artists in Rome and Europe, 1750-1850
  • DatArt, decentralizing the study of the art world from Paris to the regions
  • George Viau, a major collector of impressionism and post-impressionism
  • IMAGO, European cultures through images
  • Artl@s, tracing the circulations of artits and works through exhibitions
  • Cinex, an international database dedicated to film exhibitions


Computational linguistics

Literature, digital publishing


Sciences of Antiquity 

Social sciences

  • ArchEthno, from raw ethnographic materials to data