
Minutes of the HTR 2022 meeting "Transkribus / eScriptorium: Transcribing, annotating and digitally editing archival documents" May 9-10, 2022, BnF - Site François-Mitterrand
Marie Carlin (BnF Datalab), Marie-Laure Massot (CAPHES CNRS/ENS), Jean-Philippe Moreux (BnF, département de la Coopération) and Agnès Tricoche (AOROC CNRS/ENS/EPHE) have produced an illustrated report on the day of presentation and exchange between the Transkribus and eScriptorium platforms, which the Digit_Hum initiative and the BnF DataLab organized on May 9 and 10:
Resources to continue learning about these platforms, as well as links to the presentation materials complete the document
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