24 match found
DHAI course
Arts, Economics, Geography, Computer Science, Litterature, Social Sciences

PSL Intensive Week: digital humanities and AI

Lea SAINT-RAYMOND (Teacher-researcher/ ENS-PSL)
Thierry POIBEAU (Researcher/ CNRS)
Quentin Bernet (Student/ ENS-PSL)

As part of the special “transverse program” of PSL, the DHAI group organizes with the help of PSL a special 1 week course on the topic of “Digital Humanities Meet Artificial Intelligence”. This course is open in priority to Master 2 students of PSL. It is also open to other students (Master and PhD) and researchers, subject to availability.

Arts, Geography

Presentation of the DatArt project : "l'art en région"

Lea SAINT-RAYMOND (Teacher-researcher/ ENS-PSL)

Présentation de Léa Saint-Raymond au séminaire "Le catalogue s'expose" (dirigé par Marie Gispert), Université Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne.