
Théo Boulakia

PhD student
Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
, updated on
10 June 2024
Centre Maurice Halbwachs

I’m a doctoral student in sociology at the École Normale Supérieure. My research focuses on agriculture, occupational health and obedience to the state, and uses ethnographic and statistical methods: participant observation, collection of life stories, long recorded interviews, cartography, text mining, geometric data analysis, modelling and sequence analysis.

Field of research

With Nicolas Mariot, I publishedL'Attestation, une expérience d'obéissance de masse (printemps 2020). This investigation takes the first confinement as an opportunity to study the logics of conformism ‘in real life’. It is based on a wide variety of sources: a questionnaire administered at the very heart of the event, which received 16,000 responses; digital traces of people’s movements; figures for police checks and fines; thousands of free comments; hundreds of anecdotes systematically gathered from the local press; interviews.

In my thesis, which focuses on the occupational health of livestock farmers, I am using a dozen general and agricultural public statistics surveys, epidemiological and administrative data, which I am combining with the practice of participant observation, interviews and family monographs.

I have a particular penchant for programming, mainly in R, but also in Julia and Python, and for Bayesian statistics.