Since 2019, I lead the Guichet d'Assistance aux Projets Numériques, a service set up by the ENS Libraries. Editor in digital environment since 2016, I lead projects as I intervene in different phases of corpus processing.
Trained in literary and historical methods, I started my approach during archival and editorial missions (Ecole Polytechnique, Academy of Sciences, CNRS). Since 2002, I have been able to engage in a research process within a computerized system by using different tools for processing archival corpora, particularly within the framework of the Ampère project.
In 2014, I defended my thesis in the history of science and technology by considering the digital edition of my corpus (La correspondance du géomètre Monge), and the publication of the elements of its study.
The editorial process on the EMAN platform (THALIM/CNRS-ENS) was the subject of my post-doctoral research conducted within the Usages Des Patrimoines Numérisés network (USPC) and in collaboration with the CAHIER consortium. I seek to establish general principles for the editorialization of correspondences. The methodological approach "From editing to editorialization" is presented on the site of the unpublished correspondence of the geometer Gaspard Monge.
These methodological results are applied since 2018 to a new project: the editorialization of the Guizot-Lieven cross correspondence.
I continue my research on the relationships between fields of knowledge, between theory and technique through an observation of scientific practices and methodology in humanities within digital devices.