
Frederique MELANIE

Computer Science
Linguistics, Computing, Digital Humanities, Poetry, Georeferencing, Database, Programming, PHP, SQL, Python
, updated on
10 January 2022
Langues, textes, traitements informatiques et cognition (Lattice)
1, rue Maurice Arnoux 92120 Montrouge
01 44 326642

I am an engineer in a linguistics and natural language processing laboratory.

Field of research

I work on various projects in digital humanities. Depending on the project, the work to be carried out can be first to digitise the data when they are not digital (Paris Time Machine project, digitisation of the Parisian owners' directories), to allow the interrogation and the valorisation of these data.

For the Oupoco project, I participated in the extraction of specific poems (sonnets) from a semi-structured data set. I collaborated in the formatting of these sonnets and their integration into an online query platform. The platform allows one to compose sonnets using constraints.

For the Paris Time Machine project, the aim is to enhance a directory-type resource along two axes: the first is the identification in the text of owners' addresses and their projection on a map, the second is a reflection on the online availability of the source (from the paper version to the xml-tei structuring of the text).


  • Thierry Poibeau, Mylène Maignant, Frédérique Mélanie-Becquet, Clément Plancq, Matthieu Raffard, et al.. Sonnet Combinatorics with OuPoCo. 4th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature, ACL-SIGHUM, Dec 2020, Barcelona, Spain. ⟨hal-03084603⟩
  • Gabriela Elgarrista, Frédérique Mélanie-Becquet, Carmen Brando. Annuaires de propriétaires de Paris : Vers une analyse socio-économique et spatiale de la population parisienne en 1898. Assises de l’AP en Humanités numériques spatialisées du GDR MAGIS, le 23 juin 2020.