Tomasz Hollanek is a PhD researcher at the University of Cambridge, working at the intersection of design theory, technology ethics, and critical AI studies. In Autumn 2021, he will be a visting research fellow at the Observatoire de humanités numériques.
Tomasz Hollanek has contributed to various research projects, including the Global AI Narratives Project at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI) at Cambridge. The Global AI Narratives Project explores the ways in which different cultures, beyond the Anglophone West, imagine life with intelligent machines, and how these diverse imaginings influence contemporary perceptions of the technology around the world. During his visit at the ENS, Tomasz will work with Dr Léa Saint-Raymond on contemporary perceptions of AI in the Francophone world.
Tomasz Hollanek’s PhD thesis focuses on the role of critique in the design process in general – and the development of artificial intelligence in particular. Co-hosted by the Department of Philosophy at the ENS, he will also work on the question of reconciling critical theory with technology ethics in design practice during his stay in Paris.
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