The ENS-PSL offers a training in digital humanities: do not hesitate to register, to validate these trainings or to follow sessions as an auditor.
The digital humanities bring a set of tools to the field of humanities and social sciences, in order to create new knowledge and facilitate its dissemination, analysis and archiving, through computer-based technologies. They also constitute a trans-discipline and a research community, which we will question from a critical perspective.
The Observatory of Digital Humanities at ENS-PSL proposes an introductory training in two levels. The first level aims to introduce students to research practices in a digital environment.
The courses take place every two weeks on Mondays, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at 45 rue d'Ulm, in the conference room of the Data Science Center (staircase B, 3rd floor).
Registration: please write to lea.saint-raymond@ens.psl.eu
Second level of the introductory course on digital humanities, this course - which does not require the validation of level 1 - introduces students to digital tools and computational data analysis. No prior knowledge is required. These courses aim to provide a solid foundation in programming and corpus visualization. They encourage the appropriation of languages and techniques and allow, in fine, to be autonomous when it comes to producing and processing data digitally.
The courses take place every two weeks on Mondays, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at 45 rue d'Ulm, in the conference room of the Data Science Center (staircase B, 3rd floor).
Registration: please write to lea.saint-raymond@ens.psl.eu
Observatoire des Humanités numériques de l'ENS-PSL : office BC211, by appointment (lea.saint-raymond@ens.psl.eu)
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