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- Cyclades, annotation tools for literary corpora
Cyclades is an international collaborative project aiming at developing annotation tools for Digital humanities, especially for literary corpora (Cyclades means ‘’Corpora and Computational Linguistics for Digital Humanities’’)
The Cyclades consortium gathers practitioners and researchers in digital humanities, who have a specific interest in text analysis and in the development of specific tools for the analysis of such corpora. It includes specialist of literary analysis and of social sciences who can help identify relevant corpora, relevant topics to be addressed and evaluate the different solutions developed within the consortium. It also includes specialist in natural language processing, who develop robust and accurate pieces of software for the analysis of real-world text. The collaboration between project participants will make it possible to develop new areas of research, develop new techniques for text analysis, adapt tools to new problems and evaluate the solutions proposed in an original way, both qualitative and quantitative.
See the Github and the website.
- Thierry Poibeau, Lattice (CNRS & ENS/PSL & Université Sorbonne nouvelle)
- Médialab, Sciences Po Paris
- Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
- Turing Insitute, UK
- University of Cambridge, UK
- British library, UK
- University of Göttingen, Germany
- Stanford Literary Lab, USA
Initiation au TAL, Master Humanités numériques de PSL