

écriture, image, support, archives de la création, Anne-Marie Christin, ceei
, updated on
14 November 2021
Théorie et histoire des arts et des littératures de la modernité (Thalim)
INHA UMR THALIM 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 PARIS

A researcher in literature and arts, with a degree in the semiology of text and image, trained at the Centre d'étude de l'écriture et de l'image, an interdisciplinary research center created at Jussieu University in 1982 by Anne-Marie Christin, which became a research association in 2015, I wanted, from the beginning of my training, to question "the idea of literature" from the perspective of writing, its material forms, and the technological supports that configure it.

Field of research

After graduating from the ENS Fontenay St Cloud, holding an agrégation in literature, and graduating from the ESSEC business school, I chose to do my DEA on hypertextual computer writing at Paris 8 (1996), and then to devote my thesis to the evolution of plural and combinatory narrative forms at the University of Paris Diderot, under the direction of Anne-Marie Christin (2004).

Since 2008, as a CNRS researcher assigned to the UMR THALIM, I have been accompanying collective projects in digital humanities (database design and digital editions), devoted to contemporary archives combining text and image, allowing either a genetic or statistical exploration of digitized corpora. The first database I helped create was called LIVRESC, and was devoted to creative books.

The second one is dedicated to the Oulipo Archives; it is accessible online since 2018. The third is the digital edition of Claude Simon's text entitled Femmes, which should be followed by the edition of Tramway, the author's last novel. Another recent achievement is the collective design of the digital journal écriture et image, whose launch issue in November 2020 was devoted to the thought of the screen. In short, I produce digital objects collectively and this allows me to reflect on the forms and limits of our conception of writing and image.



Le projet LIVRESC et l’illustration du livre

Le projet / le site d’édition en ligne "Femmes"

  • "La fabrique de Femmes, un cas d''illustration transgressive", in Blessures du livre, ss dir. Andrea Oberhuber et Sofiane Laghouati, in Textimage, n°11, 2019.
  • En collab. avec Melina Balcazar-Rideau, "Un manuscrit simonien: des scriptions" in Les Vies de l'Archive, ss dir. M. Calle-Gruber et al. Editions univ. de Dijon, 2014.
  • Documents de travail édités

Le projet / la base de données Archives de l’Oulipo

  • En collab. avec Camille Bloomfield, "Machines littéraires, machines numériques, L'Oulipo et l'informatique" in Oulipo mode d'emploi, ss dir. Alain Schaffner, Christelle Reggiani, 2015.
  • "Oulipo et les graphes. Une histoire en branches". Catalogue de l'Exposition BNF in Oulipo, La littérature en jeu(x) Coédition BnF / Gallimard, Nov. 2014. En collab. avec Melina Balcazar-Rideau, "Un manuscrit simonien: des scriptions" in Les Vies de l'Archive, ss dir. M. Calle-Gruber et al. Editions univ. de Dijon, 2014.

La littérature et l’évolution des supports d’écrit

  • « Distances digitales : combinatoire et oubli dans Lust de M.-K. Arnold (1993). », The digital archive in Image and narrative, Leuven, ss. dir. Jan Baetens, avril 2007.
  • « Le livre : réflexions/ réfractions dans Glas (Derrida, 1974) et « Rhizome » (Deleuze/ Guattari, 1976) », in Le livre et ses espaces, dir. A. Milon et M. Perelman, PU Paris X Nanterre, 2007, Paris.
  • « Un Conte à votre façon (1967) de Queneau : délinquance ou insignifiance ? », RHLF, Paris, PUF.