The ANR "Foucault Fiches de Lecture" project, which ended on March 31, 2021, was the occasion for an artistic collaboration with the scientific mediator Adèle Huguet.
The goal of her work is to make scientific content accessible and understandable to a variety of audiences by working closely with researchers. In particular, she proposed a drawn account of the colloquium "Fiches et fichiers. L’archive Foucault à l’ère du numérique", as well as a comic strip presenting the project in collaboration with Carolina Verlengia (Triangle laboratory, CNRS-ENS Lyon) and Marie-Laure Massot (CAPHÉS, CNRS-ENS/PSL).
This ANR-funded project (2017-2021) is the result of a collaboration between ENS PSL, ENS Lyon and BnF.
Find Adèle Huguet's comik book on the FFL project research notebook.
Find Adèle Huguet's work on her website.
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