
Text mining with Python

Introduction to Digital Humanities: Texts
Monday 20 January 2025 Monday 20 January 2025
From 4 to 6 PM
ENS-PSL, salle de conférences du Centre Sciences des Données

45 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris

48.8418371, 2.3440403

Last session of the introductory digital humanities course (Semester 1), provided by Paul Kervegan.

Monday 20 January 2025
Cours d'introduction aux humanités numériques #1

Introduction to Digital Humanities: Texts

First Semester_ 2024-2025

Course offered as part of the “Digital Humanities” minor at ENS and PSL (6 ECTS). Classes will take place fortnightly on Mondays, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., in the conference room of the Data Science Center (ENS-PSL, 45 rue d'Ulm, at the top of stairs B or C). Validation possible within the framework of DENS. The evaluation will be based on active participation in the proposed activities and practical work. Possibility of attending classes as a free listener.