The OdHN offers training in the digital humanities, which can be validated as part of the ENS diploma. These transdisciplinary experiences form the basis of the "digital humanities minor". Classes are also open to auditors.
3 ECTS (S1) and 6 ECTS (S2). The two semesters can be validated separately.
Educational leader: Léa Saint-Raymond .
Registration: write to Léa Saint-Raymond (lea.saint-raymond@ens.psl.eu). Learn more.
6 ECTS (year)
Educational leaders: Léa Saint-Raymond and Valérie Theis.
How do you build a body of research and add value to it in a digital environment? Based on a concrete example – the Archives normaliennes project – this course will introduce students to all the stages of a collaborative research project in the digital humanities, from the constitution of the corpus to its exploration, editorialization and publication. Learn more.
6 ECTS (S2)
Educational leader: Florian Cafiero. This course is also registered in the Literature and Language department.
Whether they are dedicated to simple tasks, such as identifying lexicon, syntactic phenomena, particular rhythms, or whether they venture to identify the major themes of a text, the stylistic idiosyncrasies of an author, or the narrative structures of a work, so-called “automatic language processing” tools are playing an increasingly important role in contemporary literary studies. What are the main contributions obtained by these computational approaches? When should we integrate (or not!) these methods into our work? How to use it? It is to answer these questions that this course will tackle, by exploring in a theoretical and practical way the possibilities offered by these tools, their results, and their limits.
The ENS-PSL Digital Humanities Observatory welcomes you to office BC211 (45 rue d'Ulm, Staircase B or C, 2nd floor). Permanence: Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.
You can also write to Léa Saint-Raymond (lea.saint-raymond@ens.psl.eu)