45 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris
Last session of the seminar Des chiffres et des arts (S1), animated by Léa Saint-Raymond, in the presence of students from the University of Tokyo, supervised by Albéric Derible.
The Omeka CMS, which allows the creation of digital libraries, is widely adopted in art history projects. Based on two examples deployed at ENS-PSL, Digital Viau and DatArt_Asie, this seminar will be an opportunity to learn about Omeka Classic and Omeka S, to explore their potential and to question their contributions (and limitations) for the study of art.
We will have the pleasure of welcoming students from the University of Tokyo, accompanied by Albéric Derible, to discuss the DatArt_Asie project, in which they have been working. This session will be followed by a symposium on DatArt_Asia, on Wednesday, February 15, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, in the conference room of the Data Science Center (45 rue d'Ulm, staircase B-C, 3rd floor).